We are the Student Association of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering.
First off, a few words about us: We are not employees of the university, but students who are involved beyond their own studies – on a voluntary basis.
We are here to help you with any problems relating to your studies and support you to the best of our ability.
Our group is open to all students of this department and we are happy to welcome every new face.
You can openly express your opinion, ask questions or just drop by. Für verschiedene Bereiche, wie die Vertretungen im Department, in der School of ED oder hochschulweit, sowie für unsere Services gibt es jeweils eigene Ansprechpartner. Eine Übersicht mit den jeweiligen Kontaktpersonen sowie Ansprechstellen findet ihr unter “Mitglieder” und “Kontakte“.
For various areas, such as representatives in the department, the School of Education, or university-wide, as well as for our services, there are specific contact persons. You can find an overview of the respective contacts and points of contact under ‘Members‘ and ‘Contacts’.
Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook to stay up to date. Our social media team will do their best to regularly provide you with important and up-to-date information.
Our premises are located on the top floor of the north building, in the eastern bridge, room N2157. You will find a more detailed map on Navi.tum
There you will find our printers “Shaun” and “Pumuckl”, our always well-stocked fridge “Urmel” and usually also a handful of hard-working student representatives.
During the lecture period, our meeting always takes place on Mondays at 7 pm in room N2157.
In these meetings, we discuss the topics of the week in detail – from the work in the representations to our service and events to internal matters. We are always happy to welcome guests! (Please note that normal service is suspended during the meeting times).
Just drop by and have a look!
There is no Event
Our next public meeting
Board and "Verein"
Our student council is represented externally by four student council representatives, who are primarily responsible for communication and coordination.
The current board of representatives are
1. Adrian Benesch
2. Constantin Weber
3 Magdalena Neuberg
4. Lea Langer
We, the FSBGU, are a registered “Verein”. Therefore, we also have an elected board, which regulates all “Vereins”-related matters, including communication and coordination.
The current chairmen of our “Verein” are
1. Chair Adrian Benesch
2. Chair Constantin Weber
Financial Officer Marlene Willadt
All our active members with offices can be found here.
Part of the "School of Engineering and Design"
We, the BGU as a Student Association, are part of the bigger “School of Engineering and Design”. The following student associations also belong to this school:
- FS LRG: Aerospace Engineering (Aerospace & Geodesy)
- FS Architecture
- FSMB: Mechanical Engineering (+ Chemical Engineering)
- FSMSE: Engineering Science
- FSBGU (Us): Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geodesy and Geoinformation