Our doors are open, and we mean it.
If you have any questions or problems, you can always write us an email, call us,
or - this is the direct way - just stop by. We try to help as well as we can.
Of course, you can also come by to just hang out.
We are happy to welcome new faces.


Notice for companies

We offer you the opportunity to inform our students about job offers after graduation, for theses or internships.
If you would like to post a job offer on this page or on our bulletin board, please contact:

Thank you!


We have several mailing lists, so you can reach the appropriate contact person directly.

We often get requests for distributing surveys among our students. We neither answer nor honor such requests. Afterall we want to inform our students, not drown them in mails.

general information
Maulwurf (student newspaper)
Study Grants Committeey (fromer: SQK): -
International Office:
commission for study programs
Old Exams Sell:
distribution of lockers:
notice board:
Extracurricular subjects:


If you want to meet us face-to-face: Our room is open most of the time during the lecture period.

Our office is in the eastern bridge to the northern building on the second floor, room number N2157.

room N2157