As your student council we represent the students of the Department Civil, Geo, Environmental Engineering.

...Towards the university

The department council decides on most important matters in a students life. Two student representatitves along with professors get to vote on appointment of new professors, study regulations and much more. 

Those two blokes or gals are voted on by you in the annual university elections! Those are held each summer term. Your vote legitimizes our representatives, so make sure to participate. We'll keep you updated on when the next one is on.

The study commission decides on which elective courses you may choose and also works out new study regulations for the department council to vote on. We actually have quite a loud voice there with almost half the votes.

This one is a bit tricky: the study quality commission is responsible for distributing federal grants to improve the quality of your education. There we have even more say than in the study commission.

...Towards other students

In the aptly named student council council we confer with the student councils of the other departments. It elects and controls the work of the AStA, the university-wide student representation. 

Then there's the bi-annual (oh boy) civil engineering student council conference (call it BauFaK, you don't even want to read the german long name). Twice a year, civil engineering students from all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland come together to discuss topics that concern all of us - like study fees, literature licensing or admission restrictions.

...and more!

There's a lot more we do that we don't cover here. If you're interested in any of that, come chat with us.